thumbnail Tang, Eric Moore, Jarrett, and ChrisHeilman (BIG)
thumbnail Tang, Eric, Jarrett, and ChrisHeilman. (BIG)
thumbnail Eric Moore, Doug, Jarrett, and Me (BIG)
thumbnail Eric, Doug, Chris Lenfest, Jarrett, Tang, Me, and Scott Aday. (BIG)
thumbnail Blurry picture of several people including Scott and Doug (BIG)
thumbnail Teresa and Lisa. Don't they make great sisters? Chris Murray in the background. (BIG)
thumbnail The Manly Men: Doug, Eric, and Me. The Men Who Stayed Until The Very Very End. (BIG)
thumbnail Back at the Good's house: Bobby just off to the left, Jason Price, Paul, Jarrett, and Chris Lefnest, Scott, and Doug on the right. (BIG)
thumbnail Brandon reads the Sunday Morning Funnies. (BIG)
thumbnail Chris Murray wipes the stove, Jason Price is amused, and Mrs. Good hides behind a refridgerator door. (BIG)
thumbnail Marie, Shelley, Dave, Rick (striking a pose), and Jason Price (watching Rick ) (BIG)
thumbnail This is what you get when you try to avoid the camera. This is Holland. Holland doesn't like to be in pictures because he says that they don't turn out well. When you act like this, I can see why. This is what you get when you try to avoid the CameraMan(TM). Resistance is futile. (BIG)
thumbnail Shelley keeps her food safely out of ChrisHeilman's hands. Angela is Frightened. Clint sleeps just under the view of the camera. (BIG)
thumbnail Watching Braveheart. (BIG)
thumbnail The Braveheart Watchers: On the left, Brandon, Doug, and Chrus Murray (in my T-shirt), on the couch, Angela, SarahandChrisHeilman and Shelley, Clint sleeps next to Shelley, Chris Lenfest angry at my flash, Dave is behind the couch with Jarrett and Bobby, and next to Bobby are LT and Jason Price. (BIG)
thumbnail The Group Picture!

Bottom Row, Left to Right: Scott, Doug, Josh, ChrisHeilman, Tang.

Next Row: Chris Lenfest, LT, Jarrett, Jason Price, and Rick.

Next Row: Gwyneth, Angela, Sarah, Marie, Eric Moore, Elizabeth, and Dave.

Next Row: Brandon, Bobby, Me, Clint, Shelley, Paul, and Chris Murray.

Can you find Holland? He's hiding somewhere! Hint: in the back.

thumbnail Another Group shot... I should mention that Lisa and Teresa have left already by this time, and so aren't in the picture. (BIG)
thumbnail Gwyneth, leading the pack out the door. (BIG)
thumbnail Marie and Brandon leaving the Goods' house. (BIG)
thumbnail SarahandChrisHeilman Awwwwwww......... ; (BIG)
thumbnail People are leaving now... (BIG)
thumbnail Gwyneth and Chris. (BIG)
thumbnail Marie waves to the Camera. Hi, Marie! (BIG)
thumbnail Back at WCF, we have the Everlasting Bridge Game. (BIG)
thumbnail Rick at Pizza Night. (BIG)
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