thumbnail Peter, LT, Tang, and Brandon, just sittin' 'round (BIG)
thumbnail Nate inspecting things before Sunday School before Honduras (BIG)
thumbnail Some of the first few people walk in for Sunday School (BIG)
thumbnail Marie, Michael, and Anitha walk in... (BIG)
thumbnail Sitting around discussing things during Sunday School (BIG)
thumbnail Family Camp group photo (BIG)
thumbnail Going in for a meal (BIG)
thumbnail Zach and Kyle (BIG)
thumbnail A typical meal at Family Camp (BIG)
thumbnail Kyle and Cooper (and their dad) (BIG)
thumbnail Having a comforatble sit on a great day (BIG)
thumbnail Mom in front of the lakefront cabins (BIG)
thumbnail Mom and Dad in front of the lakefront cabins (BIG)
thumbnail Joe outside the dining hall (BIG)
thumbnail Mr. and Mrs. Toledo having some relaxation time (BIG)
thumbnail Reminder to self: don't take pictures into the sun.

A few people waiting outside the dining hall

thumbnail Waiting and talking on the portch outside the dining hall (BIG)
thumbnail Zach and Emily at dinner time. (BIG)
thumbnail Zach playing volly ball (BIG)
thumbnail A beautiful day on the beach. Ask Adam about his experience with the sailboat. (BIG)
thumbnail Communion at Sunset (BIG)
thumbnail Steve and his mom (BIG)
thumbnail Zach, Kyle, Emily, and Cooper picking blueberries (BIG)
thumbnail Emily is helping her dad pick (or maybe just eat) blueberries (BIG)
thumbnail Dad and the Petersons picking blueberries (BIG)
thumbnail The Karsten family (BIG)
thumbnail Packing up, leaving the Blueberry farm (BIG)
thumbnail Dad, Adam, and Mary Anne about to pack up and go towards home (BIG)
thumbnail Sung, suprised like a deer (BIG)
thumbnail ChrisHeilman and Brandon practicing (BIG)
thumbnail My room, before we switched to the sleeping-room/work-room. This is after I cleaned up a whole lot. (BIG)
thumbnail About to go on a retreat (BIG)
thumbnail About to go on a retreat, dave hides behind whiteboard (BIG)
thumbnail At the retreat, standing around the fire during a time of worship (BIG)
thumbnail Amy, ChrisHeilman, and Evanda. (BIG)
thumbnail Brandon, Angela, Julia, Sarah, Clint, Sung, and Jared (BIG)
thumbnail Having a nice chat after worship (BIG)
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